Monday, December 22, 2014

One Lovely Blog

I had the honor recently of being mentioned by Maria Grace in her blog post One Lovely Blog. The idea is to tell your readers seven things about yourself they may not have previously known then nominate fifteen other bloggers to do the same. Can I tell y’all how tickled I was to be nominated by Maria? I have not yet had the privilege of reading the published version of Remember the Past, but I followed while it was being posted and loved every word. I am a sucker for a likable Lady Catherine. Thank you, Maria!

Ok, seven things about me. What do y’all not already know?

1.  I grew up in Arkansas but consider myself a Tennessean. My dear husband and I are currently enjoying our third stint in the state. We began our marriage in the west, began our family in the east and are now good and settled in the middle. We have also lived in Mississippi and North Carolina.


2.  I love BBQ. If I had to choose my last meal it would be a pulled pork platter with all the fixins, including a sweet and spicy tomato-based sauce. Do not give me that horrid mustard based stuff I endured for six years in North Carolina. I’ll take Memphis’ best, thank you very much.


3.  If I had to pick one author to enjoy with my last meal, it would not be Jane Austen. (Waits for gasps) I would actually choose Tolkien. His work is so full of wisdom and lessons on how to be a good human being. Plus they are just darn good stories.


4.  When I was younger I considered my tastes in music quite elevated. Now they are much more akin to those of the seven year old little girl who rides in my backseat. We rock “Let it Go” and “Shake it Off” on a regular basis.


5.  I rarely get a chance to go to the movies. When I do, you can bet an X-Man or an Avenger is   involved. I love comics and I love the movies based on them. In my world, Joss Whedon has demi-god status.


6.  Speaking of comics, who else loves The Walking Dead? I had to stop reading for a while after they killed my favorite character, but I still love the show.


7.  I am currently working on two novel length stories and one short piece for the November/December playground challenge at AHA. I never thought I would say this, but I have totally fallen for Bingley and Lydia. I’ll let you chew on that for a few months.


Well, that’s my seven. I am supposed to nominate several blogs for this, but to be honest, there are few that I follow consistently. I believe pretty much all of them have already been mentioned, but here are my favorites in no particular order:


Ha! When I went through my Twitter account, I realized that I actually do follow quite a few blogs. These are all so lovely and informative. Visit them when you have some time over the holidays. You won’t be sorry.

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